Stranton Academy Trust

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Leadership Meetings

Headteacher Meetings


Formal meetings between Headteachers of all 3 Schools within the Trust will be held half-termly, with agendas set by the CEO, School Improvement Partners and Trust Board.



Meetings will be held between 1 and 4pm on the following dates:


  • Tuesday 15th November                Stranton Primary School
  • Tuesday 10th January                     Eskdale Academy
  • Tuesday 7th March                          Jesmond Gardens Primary School
  • Tuesday 2nd May                            Stranton Primary School
  • Tuesday 22nd June                          Eskdale Academy



Deputy Headteacher Meetings 

Formal meetings between Deputy Headteachers of all 3 Schools within the Trust will be held half-termly, with agendas set by the CEO and Headteachers of the schools within the Trust.


Meetings will be held between 1 and 4pm on the following dates:


  • Thursday 17th November               Stranton Primary School
  • Thursday 12th January                    Eskdale Academy
  • Thursday 9th March                         Jesmond Gardens Primary School
  • Thursday 4th May                            Stranton Primary School
  • Thursday 24th June                        Eskdale Academy